Open daily, 10am – 5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Te Mana o te Hā

Past Science Outreach Programme

Smoking is a pandemic that kills millions globally, including an average of 13 Kiwis each day. 

Faced with the need to replace dying customers, tighter regulation, and heightened public awareness of the dangers of smoking, tobacco companies have pivoted to vaping products. Touted as a healthier, fashionable alternative to smoking, vaping has become their means of delivering nicotine to the next generation of addicted consumers. 

Is history repeating? How real are the risks? Are we on the cusp of a new nicotine-based pandemic? How can we break the cycle? 

Te Mana o teHā was a hands-on science showcase that takes you on a journeyclearing the air and casting light on these questions to understand how we’ve arrived at this point 

Explore its four modules: 

  • Nicotine is not our whakapapaTrace how a wild plant from the Americas was spread throughout the world to become the leading cause of preventable death in the 20th century. 

  • Footprint of harmUncover the environmental, socio-economic, and health impacts of the tobacco industry. 

  • Pipe dreamsDiscover how the slick marketing, sleek products, and subtle appeals that have underpinned the advertising tactics of tobacco are now in play to promote vaping. 

  • Nicotine-free futuresDiscuss how to prevent further harm and take a leadership role in your whānau, school, and/or community.