Classification: Parrot home > Collections > Search the Collection > Classification: Parrot Collections Conservation Search the Collection Taoka Digitisation Project Publications Parrot, Psittaciformes, Parrot, skull Parent category Bird Subcategories Parakeet Elegant parrot Kākā Eclectus parrot Lory Lorikeet Blue bonnet Blue-winged parrotlet Regent parrot Green-winged king parrot Green-winged Parrot Ceylon hanging parrot Galah Red Shining Parrot Red-breasted Musk Parrot Kea Red-rumped parrot Kakariki Ground parrot Swift parrot Kakapo Budgerigar Papuan King Parrot Superb parrot Paradise parrot Conure Turquoise parrot Pesquet's parrot Fig Parrot Cockatoo Green hanging parrot Crimson rosella Blue-winged parrot Eastern rosella Scarlet-chested parrot Reischek's parakeet Common Rosella Australian king parrot Blue-crowned hanging parrot Macaw Red-winged parrot Port Lincoln parrot Desmarest's fig parrot Large Fig Parrot Grey parrot Rosella Spectacled parrotlet Red-capped parrot Bourke's parrot Blue-rumped parrot Princess parrot Queen Alexandra's Parrakeet Carolina peroquet Muller's parrot