It’s a busy time coming up at the Museum (and all around Dunedin), with Brain Awareness Week and iD Dunedin Fashion Week sharing the spotlight.
As a place of Science | Nature | Culture, we are very interested in both topics. We’ve got a lot on, including a '70s display case, public lectures and brain dissections(!), so here’s a breakdown to help you plan out your week.
Friday 11 March
Time Warp opens
Open daily, Museum cloakroom
The Power of Food on the Brain: Interactive Lecture
5.30pm, Hutton Theatre
Saturday 12 March
Discovery World Dream Station
Available throughout the day, Discovery World
Meet the Brains at the Museum
Available throughout the day, Atrium Level 1 and Search Centre
Brain Week Lecture Series
10am–3pm, Hutton Theatre
Tuesday 15 March
The Power of Voice and Song: Interactive Lecture
12pm, Barclay Theatre
Wednesday 16 March
Best Dressed Basement Tour
12pm and 1pm, bookings essential
Thursday 17 March
Best Dressed Basement Tour
12pm and 1pm, bookings essential