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Tūhura Otago Museum Blog

The blog is where we'll post news, updates, information about objects in our collection, #betterworkstories, profiles of staff members and visitors, pictures and videos, and really anything we think you'd find interesting. We hope you enjoy. 

If there's a topic you'd like us to do a post about, or a post that you think needs a sequel, just let us know!

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The month ahead @ OM: July

July is the last month to enjoy and say ka kite to Discovery World as we know it! Following the July School holidays it will close for redevelopment, and our highly anticipated new science centre will open at the end of the year with an amazing line-up of 50 new interactives, including a a six metre-high DNA-inspired slide! 

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Discovery World Human Body Perception Zone

Development of Museum’s new science centre set to begin

Otago Museum’s popular Discovery World Tropical Forest will be closed following the July school holidays to allow construction to begin on the second stage of the development of its highly anticipated science centre.

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Introducing Otago Museum’s jewelled gecko… ‘Manawa’

Otago Museum’s treasured jewelled gecko – moko kākāriki has officially been named, following a competition run by the Museum seeking inspiration from the community.


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The Cultural Significance of Matariki for Northern Māori

Iwi (tribes) from all over Aotearoa have different interpretations of the origins of Matariki, but to Tūhoe, one of my iwi, legends tell of a time when Papatūānuku, earth mother and Ranginui, our sky father, were forcibly separated by their son Tāne-Mahuta, god of the forests. Tāne’s brother, Tāwhirimātea, god of the winds, became so infuriated that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the blanket of stars and sky, where they have been in existence ever since.

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The Longest Night of the Year

This Wednesday 21 June , it will be the winter solstice – the shortest day and the longest night of the year. For astronomers this is a great time to get outside and dedicate hours to looking up. This is helped by the waxing crescent phase of the moon...

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Constellation of the Month: Coma Berenices

Coma Berenices is seen just below Virgo. It rose around midnight on 2 April and will be visible most of winter, until it sets in late July (around 11pm). Coma Berenices was originally an ancient asterism, and was recognised as an official constellation in 1603.

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Life before Dinosaurs: Permian Monsters to land at Otago Museum

Step back 290 million years when bizarre-looking animals dominated life on land and sea in Life before Dinosaurs: Permian Monsters, open at the Otago Museum from Saturday 26 August.

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Kentucky Fried Crab

In Otago Museum’s latest exhibition, Current, nine contemporary artists and designers were invited to create a new work of art inspired by an object from the Museum’s diverse dress and textile collection. Fashion designer Max Mollison selected a 1950s beaded cocktail hat as the starting point for his crab-inspired fashion feast, Keep your filthy paws off my silky claws.

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Hakui Website

Hākui exhibition to open at Canterbury Museum

Otago Museum’s Hākui: Women of Kāi Tahu exhibition, which shares the stories, achievements and legacies of respected wāhine from the perspective of kā uri whakatipu, today’s generations, is set to open at Canterbury Museum this Friday, 9 June.

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Significant James Short telescope now on display at Otago Museum

Late last year, the Otago Museum discovered it is home to what appears to be the oldest telescope in New Zealand.


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Our blog aims to keep you informed of the latest happenings at the Otago Museum, through posts about our collections, our people and our work.


The views expressed here are those of our individual contributors, and are not the views of the Otago Museum.


All content of this blog is Copyright Otago Museum, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Otago Museum, except for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review, or education, as provided for in the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.