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Tūhura Otago Museum Blog

The blog is where we'll post news, updates, information about objects in our collection, #betterworkstories, profiles of staff members and visitors, pictures and videos, and really anything we think you'd find interesting. We hope you enjoy. 

If there's a topic you'd like us to do a post about, or a post that you think needs a sequel, just let us know!

Q & A with Trudi Webster, saving yellow-eyed penguins

The yellow-eyed penguin, thought to be one of the world’s rarest penguins, has a dedicated advocate – the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust (YEPT) – committed to saving this endangered species. The Otago Museum and Otago Regional Council jointly support the YEPT and the work of Dr Trudi Webster in her role as Conservation Science Advisor.

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Researcher Insights: Q & A with Dr W Ross Ramsay

The Otago Museum is a busy place, with over 350,000 people through our doors in the last year. A number of these visitors are researchers who have requested access to our world-class collection of 1.5 million+ objects to support their studies.

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Education @ OM: Permian Programmes

Everything’s going prehistoric at Otago Museum and the Education Team is very excited! Our new exhibition, Life before Dinosaurs: Permian Monsters is opening at the Museum on 26 August, and to celebrate we are creating two curriculum-linked programmes for schools.

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Friend of a Friend

Eva Skinner was a founding member of the Association of Friends of the Otago Museum, established in 1926. Eva’s husband, Henry Devenish (H D) Skinner (then Assistant Curator at the Museum), had seen the positive effect of the Friends of the Fitzwilliam Museum during his time as a student in Cambridge, England and was keen to work with a similar group in Otago. The ‘extension and enrichment of the collections’ was specifically mentioned in the proposal described in the Otago Daily Times in 1925.

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Otago Museum’s sunfish – the largest known specimen of the new hoodwinker sunfish, Mola tecta.

Over the past four years the taxonomy of the world’s heaviest bony fishes has been under review, and a new species has been discovered. 

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The secret of delicious chocolate? It’s written in the genes!

This school holidays, the science engagement team is exploring the delicious science of chocolate! Known as ‘food of the gods’, chocolate, made from the cacao bean, is a favourite treat of many, including me!

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2017 Otago Wildlife Photography Competition’s People’s Choice announced

Museum visitors and photography fans have had their say, submitting 3,038 total votes for this year’s Otago Wildlife Photography Competition’s People’s Choice Award across all competition entries.

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Introducing our Front of House Team: Q & A with the face(s) of Otago Museum

Meet Alice, Museum Guide, who has been meeting and greeting our visitors for just over a year. Her study background is in law and science (geology and ecology). 

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Otago Wildlife Photography Exhibition

Exhibition’s fan favourite soon to be announced

As Otago Museum’s 2017 Otago Wildlife Photography Exhibition wraps up this month, visitors to the exhibition are being asked to vote in the ‘People’s Choice Award’ before Monday 17 July.


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Constellation of the Month: Delphinus

This is Delphinus – the Dolphin. It’s an ancient constellation, one of Ptolemy’s first 48. Despite its small size and non-descript squarish shape, this is a fairly easy constellation to find. By chance, everything else around this constellation is less impressive; it’s a bright little diamond off by itself.

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Our blog aims to keep you informed of the latest happenings at the Otago Museum, through posts about our collections, our people and our work.


The views expressed here are those of our individual contributors, and are not the views of the Otago Museum.


All content of this blog is Copyright Otago Museum, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Otago Museum, except for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review, or education, as provided for in the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.