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Tūhura Otago Museum Blog

The blog is where we'll post news, updates, information about objects in our collection, #betterworkstories, profiles of staff members and visitors, pictures and videos, and really anything we think you'd find interesting. We hope you enjoy. 

If there's a topic you'd like us to do a post about, or a post that you think needs a sequel, just let us know!

tunnelweb SteveKerr

The Tunnelweb Spider – Dunedin’s Heaviest and Most Popular Spider

Encountering the formidable-looking tunnelweb spider around the house or garden can make you jump! Assistant Collection Manager, Natural Science Kane Fleury tells us why we have nothing to fear.

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Sky Guide: December

Welcome to the Sky Guide, your monthly guide to what's happening in the heavens!

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josephine gordon rich plates

Josephine Gordon Rich: 19th Century Zoologist

Inspired by our exhibition, Our Women: 125 of Dunedin’s Extra-ordinary Women, Honorary Curator Rosi Crane looks at the work of 19th century zoologist Josephine Gordon Rich.

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Finding the Line Between Mystery and Knowledge

In good time for the silly season, Otago Museum is opening its first ever planetarium Christmas show — an in-house production, Christmas Mysteries.

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2019 Otago Wildlife Photography Competition – 20 Years of Beautiful Amateur Imagery

The 20th annual Otago Wildlife Photography Competition opens for entries from all of Otago’s amateur photographers and videographers on Monday 19 November 2018.

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19 November Banner

World War One Postage Stamps

Honorary Curator Melville Carr examines how the Otago Museum stamp collection provides an insight into the consequences for Germany and its Oceanic colonial territories during Word War One.

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gladioli medals

est. 1868: A Champion Gladioli Grower

Curator Moira White explains why these medals, awarded by the Dunedin Horticultural Society, are part of the quirkiest category in est. 1868.

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Guttus featured

est. 1868: if looks could kill

Stone cold killer, hideous monster and protector against evil… the story of Medusa has taken many forms over the centuries. Honorary Curator Robert Hannah delves into her fascinating past.

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Southern Cross

Sky Guide: November

Welcome to the Sky Guide, your monthly guide to what's happening in the heavens!

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Knot Your Grandmother’s Knitting

Dunedin-based Australian artist Michele Beevors is calling on the immense Otago Museum collection to provide the skeleton of a new artwork – literally.


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Our blog aims to keep you informed of the latest happenings at the Otago Museum, through posts about our collections, our people and our work.


The views expressed here are those of our individual contributors, and are not the views of the Otago Museum.


All content of this blog is Copyright Otago Museum, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Otago Museum, except for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review, or education, as provided for in the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.