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Tūhura Otago Museum Blog

The blog is where we'll post news, updates, information about objects in our collection, #betterworkstories, profiles of staff members and visitors, pictures and videos, and really anything we think you'd find interesting. We hope you enjoy. 

If there's a topic you'd like us to do a post about, or a post that you think needs a sequel, just let us know!


Meet Tūhura's tropical fish

Science Communicator Sophie Adams introduces the newest residents of the Tūhura Otago Community Trust Science Centre.

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potae taua

Potae taua

Intern Isaac Te Awa recently spent five weeks working on the Otago Museum’s Māori textile collection, where one item in particular caught his eye: potae taua. Here he shares what he’s discovered about these distinctive symbols of grief. 

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izumi schmidt

Interview with wildlife photographer Izumi Schmidt

Are you hoping to shoot a winning image for this year’s Otago Wildlife Photography Competition? Wildlife photographer and one of our 2019 judges, Izumi Schmidt, shares some stories and advice.

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Carina Nebula

Sky Guide: January

Welcome to the Sky Guide, your monthly guide to what's happening in the heavens!

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1 Sarracenia flower

Appetite for destruction: Tūhura’s carnivorous plants

Plants that eat insects? Not only do they exist, we’ve got some growing in the Tūhura Otago Community Trust Science Centre. Read all about them here, then come and check them out for yourself.

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Otago Museum Frogs have New Home

Some long-time favourites from the Otago Museum have shifted house.

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OM Quills

est. 1868: The Once Popular Penwiper

Curator, Humanities Moira White examines an essential stationery item of the 19th and early 20th centuries: the quirky penwiper.

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donahue megan web

Singular Opportunity to Hear Globally Important Astronomer

In a serendipitous confluence of chance, the Otago Museum has been able to entice the President of the American Astronomical Society to give a public talk at the Museum.


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ray lyn forster web

Remembering Ray and Lyn Forster

As the Otago Museum marks its 150th anniversary, Assistant Curator Anusha Beer remembers Dr Raymond Robert Forster, the Museum’s director between 1957 and 1987, and his wife Lyn Forster.

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A Week of Wins

The Otago Museum has had a successful week with both funding and awards.

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Our blog aims to keep you informed of the latest happenings at the Otago Museum, through posts about our collections, our people and our work.


The views expressed here are those of our individual contributors, and are not the views of the Otago Museum.


All content of this blog is Copyright Otago Museum, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Otago Museum, except for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review, or education, as provided for in the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.