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Tūhura Otago Museum Blog

The blog is where we'll post news, updates, information about objects in our collection, #betterworkstories, profiles of staff members and visitors, pictures and videos, and really anything we think you'd find interesting. We hope you enjoy. 

If there's a topic you'd like us to do a post about, or a post that you think needs a sequel, just let us know!

A Rifle with History

Otago Museum Conservation staff are today dismantling the only Collier 2nd model flintlock revolving rifle held in public collections around the world.

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Graham Crombie HiRes cropped

Passing of Otago Museum's Board Chair

It is with considerable sadness that the Otago Museum acknowledges the passing of our Chair, Graham Crombie. Graham joined the Board in 2010, becoming Chair shortly afterwards. He led the Museum’s strategic and governance planning with confidence and calm. He oversaw the transition in leadership in 2013 and the consequent revision of the Museum’s direction, replenishment of its core functions and development of many significant projects. Graham has tirelessly played an integral, if behind-the-scenes, role in many of Dunedin’s, and Otago’s, key organisations and institutions, and his pragmatism, wisdom and “can do” approach will be difficult to replace. He leaves a large void...

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Women in Science – Girls are Boss!

Otago Museum in collaboration with the Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies is hosting a series of workshops to mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February. The workshops are aimed at intermediate and high school students, and educators, and will run over 11 to 12 February.

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stirn detective camera

est. 1868: Stirn’s Optimus detective camera

Designed to fit beneath a waistcoat, with only the lens showing through a buttonhole, this small-for-its-time camera provoked some interesting reactions when it launched in the 1880s. 

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Enter textile

Enter the Museum Collection

We've got a new display opening in the People of the World gallery on 7 February. 

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Tane Flax Mill and Opiki Toll Bridge

Double archaeology awards

When Alana Kelly isn’t helping the Museum’s Venues team create memorable events, she’s digging into long-forgotten histories. And her hard work was recently rewarded with two awards at the annual New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA) Conference.

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Tarantula Nebula

Sky Guide: February

Welcome to the Sky Guide, your monthly guide to what's happening in the heavens!

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preserving jar elastic

Est. 1868: Waste not, want not

Why does a preserving jar filled with elastic appear in the quirkiest category of est. 1868? Honorary Curator Jane Malthus explains.

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Leading US Physicist to Throw Light on the 100-year Quest for Einstein’s Gravitational Waves

Otago Museum is pleased to be co-hosting, with the Dodd-Walls Centre and the University of Otago, a free public talk by Professor Nergis Mavalvala on Thursday 31 January.


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bachelor buttons est

Est. 1868: Bachelor beware

What stories are hidden inside this tiny box, currently on display in est. 1868? Curator Moira White takes a peek. 

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Our blog aims to keep you informed of the latest happenings at the Otago Museum, through posts about our collections, our people and our work.


The views expressed here are those of our individual contributors, and are not the views of the Otago Museum.


All content of this blog is Copyright Otago Museum, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Otago Museum, except for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review, or education, as provided for in the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.